Initiatives for All Stakeholders CSR
Contributing to Society by Providing Data and Know-How
Our policy
We believe that one of the social missions of our Group is to understand, analyze, and disclose the situation of consumers due to social changes. We will publish a wide range of knowledge gained through our Group’s businesses, including marketing research, in the form of reports and columns. We will share information that captures changes in individuals, companies, and, ultimately, society as a whole.
Macromill Weekly Index / Macromill Weekly Index Asia
Since 2013, we have published the Macromill Weekly Index, which offers highly up-to-date information on a wide range of indicators obtained from a panel of consumers in Japan. It includes weekly consumption amounts and categories, consumer sentiment, and business confidence. In a testament to the trustworthiness of this data, extracts have been used in the Japanese Cabinet Office’s ‘Cabinet Meeting Documentation about the Monthly Economic Report’. Since 2020, the Company has also published consumer trends of Asian regions in the Macromill Weekly Index Asia.

Macromill Weekly Index/
Macromill Weekly Index Asia
Published weekly on our corporate website.
By selecting categories such as consumption and prices, one can filter items including region, gender and age, and easily collect, organize, and analyze the necessary information

Publishing a wide variety
of research reports
In addition to research on SDGs, we conduct a wide variety of surveys based on social conditions and publish the results free of charge.
Using a Survey on the Great East Japan Earthquake
to keep the disaster from fading from public memory
Since 2017, we have partnered with Kahoku Shimpo to jointly conduct an annual survey about the Great East Japan Earthquake. While highlighting the process of reconstruction, we are working to support disaster-stricken areas by sharing survey data. We aim to ensure that this disaster does not fade from public memory.
Macromill Research Report (Japanese only)
Survey on the Great East Japan Earthquake, after 12 years
Article published by Kahoku Shimpo (Japanese only)
Collaboration with Academic Institutions
Developing talent who can bridge business and academia
We believe our mission is to pass on the knowledge cultivated by Macromill in marketing research and other diverse areas from an early stage to younger generations, empowering them to support future business and developing talent who will take an active part in society. Our employees view the process of teaching practical skills that are directly connected to business and cultivating the human resources society needs as an opportunity for their own growth. This guides the wealth of initiatives we are pursuing with various schools.

Each year, our employees also serve as instructors,
holding lectures and seminars centered on marketing at more than 20 high schools and universities in Japan.
Support for student’s skills at Nishogakusha University, research initiatives with universities
We have been holding courses teaching students how to formulate marketing strategies since 2019. With the cooperation of House Foods Group, YOHO Brewing, and Takanashi Milk Products, we provide practical support for students to hone their skills, including helping them conduct analysis and create presentations based on actual purchasing data and questionnaires.We are also pursuing initiatives in the research field, including creating research and analysis reports with the university, authoring academic papers, and giving presentations at conferences.
Data scientist training in collaboration with Shiga University
Since 2019, we have been working with the graduate school of Shiga University, sending employees to its Graduate School of Data Science for ongoing training as data scientists. Creating opportunities for employees to learn while working, we have put a system in place that allows employees to grow together with the Group by applying the knowledge they have acquired to their work.
Joint efforts by Tokyo University of Science, Hitotsubashi University, and Eight Hundred
We are pursuing collaboration with the Tokyo University of Science Center for Data Science and Hitotsubashi University, a national university, to train data scientists.By providing Macromill’s diverse marketing data and capitalizing on the personnel of subsidiary Eight Hundred who have advanced expertise in data utilization, we are aiming to create opportunities for students to gain more practical expertise and develop data scientists who can play an active role in the real world.

In July 2023, we entered into a collaboration agreement with Hitotsubashi University. Members of the Faculty and Graduate School of Social and Data Science, newly established in April 2023, took part in the signing ceremony.
Contributing to Society through Goodmill’s Activities
Goodmill’s social contribution activities

Goodmill is a social contribution program we have carried out since 2018, based on our belief that we can use research to make the world a better place. As part of our CSR strategy, we are engaging in a variety of initiatives, including research support for NPOs and other non-profit organizations, as well as volunteer activities and other efforts.
Read moreSocial Contribution Activities of Group Companies
Examples of initiatives at group companies
Each of our Group companies engage in a variety of social contribution activities. The following are some examples.
H.M. Marketing Research, Inc.
- H.M. Marketing Research donates food stockpiled for disasters that is nearing its expiration date to the NGO Food Bank Chiba. It also donates surplus stationery to Eco Trading.
- This subsidiary also switched its in-house vending machines to models labeled with SDG marks (and that can be opened with a key in case of disaster). For every drink purchased, we donate \3 to the Japan Association for the United Nations World Food Programme, a certified NPO.

Macromill Embrain Co., Ltd. (Korea)
- Subsidiary Macromill Embrain is conducting a “1%+Donation” campaign to support the Korean Organization for Rare Diseases and the Korea Down Syndrome Society. Under this campaign, each month it accepts 1% of total monitoring costs (accumulated) as a donation and also collect donations from its research panels. To date, it has donated approximately ₩700 million (roughly \81 million) to these organizations.