Initiatives for All Stakeholders Environment

Fundamental Policy and Governance of Initiatives

Fundamental Policy

We have formulated the following basic policy regarding the environment, including climate change.

  • Based on the Macromill Code of Conduct, we will pursue initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions and strive to improve the natural environment.
  • Through marketing research, we will strive to address environmental issues and enhance corporate value.
  • We will strive for ongoing improvements with the aim of enhancing environmental performance by seeking to achieve our environmental targets and evaluating the impact of our business activities on the environment.
  • We will actively strive to prevent pollution, mitigate climate change, and preserve biodiversity and ecosystems.

Endorsement of TCFD Recommendations

In August 2022, the Company expressed its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Governance system for climate-related matters

Board oversight and management’s role with regard to climate-related risks and opportunities

The Board of Directors serves as the oversight body on the environment, including climate change. The Executive Officers’ Meeting and Management Meeting make decisions on basic policies and other important matters, while substantive discussion and examinations take place in the Sustainability Committee, which serves as an advisory body.
Executive officers and corporate officers participate in the Sustainability Committee, taking reports on environmental risk assessments, including climate change, and on the progress of initiatives, and discussing policies going forward. Preparation of reports and agendas is the purview of the Environmental Subcommittee under the Sustainability Committee. The Executive Officers’ Meeting and Management Meeting monitor initiatives related to climate change and related issues based on the deliberations of the Sustainability Committee, discussing ways of managing progress and basic policies and important matters requiring decisions.As outlined above, the Sustainability Committee consults on the Company’s basic policies and important matters related to the environment. The policies and matters are then decided by the Executive Officers’ Meeting and Management Meeting, before receiving final approval from the Board of Directors.

Governance framework for climate-related matters

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Board of Directors Monitors our response to climate change About once a year
Executive Officers’ Meeting and Management Meeting Decides on basic policies and important matters related to climate change About once a year
Sustainability Committee Discusses basic policies and important matters related to climate change. Makes recommendations to the Management Meeting About two to three times a year
Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee Discusses basic policies and important matters related to climate change. Makes recommendations to the Management Meeting About four times a year

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Figure:Governance Structure for Climate-related Issues

Strategy and Risk Management

Impact of climate-related risks and opportunities

Because we carry out activities primarily online, due to The the nature of the Group’s business is that we carry out our activities primarily online. We, therefore, recognize that the direct impact of climate change on our business is limited. However, technological innovations and changes in markets, services, and consumer attitudes related to climate change could affect our client companies’ revenues, which in turn could affect our business results. Changes in our client companies’ technologies and services, especially with respect to climate change, or changes in consumer attitudes, will affect the demand for research. In terms of our response measures to these risksAs a countermeasure to this point, we are monitoring client the trends of client companies regarding climate change and regularly reviewing risks. By doing so, we continue working to diversifying our client portfolio, and seeking to capture marketing demand. In light of the characteristics of the Group’s business, we recognize Based on the characteristics of our business, the Group recognizes the risks and opportunities posed by climate change as follows.

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  Risks Opportunities
Less than 2°C scenario Transition risk(1)becomes apparent; physical risk(2)is not assumed to be high
  • Increased costs due to stricter regulations on energy sources and replacement of facilities and equipment as part of the shift to renewable energy sources
  • Lack of action to address climate change erodes trust from stakeholders and reduces business opportunities
  • Growing demand for online research associated with the shift to a paperless operation
  • Diversification of consumer behavior due to increased environmental awareness and marketing demand for new products and services
4°C scenario Physical risk(2)becomes apparent; transition risk(1)is not assumed to be high
  • Increased costs to deal with rising temperatures, damage to business locations caused by flooding and other disasters, human casualties, and supply chain disruptions
  • Decline in business opportunities due to the medium- to long-term impact of natural disasters and rising temperatures, etc., on client companies
  • Growing demand for online research to avoid travel and visits due to the increased risks caused by climate change, such as the prospect of infectious diseases
  • Increased marketing demand for new products and services due to changes in consumers’ lifestyle
  1. The transition to a low-carbon society aimed at mitigating climate change involves policy, legal, technological, and market changes that could have a variety of impacts on a company’s finances and reputation. These risks are called “transition risks”.
  2. Risks that may materialize due to disasters caused by climate change (including direct damage such as torrential rain, floods, storm surges, droughts, wildfires, etc., and indirect damage such as reduced sales due to supply chain disruptions, as well as damage caused by long-term changes in climate change patterns such as rising temperatures, reduced snow and ice cover, and rising sea levels). These risks are called “physical risks”.


In the less than 2°C scenario, the risk of a surge in procurement costs is assumed for various industries that use fuel and electricity. We recognize that changes in client companies’ technologies and services, as well as in consumer attitudes, will have an impact on research demand in the medium term. At the same time, there will be significant opportunities as new products and services are developed. Since some industries present high degrees of both risk and opportunity, we will diversify risk by closely monitoring the performance of individual client companies and business partners, as well as overall industry trends. Given that the 4°C scenario could also become a reality, we will diversify risks and expand opportunities by considering the expansion of our business and services to industries with lower risks and greater opportunities in this case.

Metrics and Targets

Information disclosure

We are committed to disclosing information on our CO2 emissions. As we carry out our business activities primarily online, the calculation of Scope 2 CO2 emissions covers our main offices in Japan while the calculation of Scope 3 emissions covers the cloud service providers we contract for online research services, as well as other emissions for which calculations are possible.

Data indicators

Since we introduced hybrid working styles that allow employees to work remotely, our electricity consumption and CO2 emissions have been trending downward. In terms of data management, our migration from an on-premises data center to the cloud, which we implemented in 2016, has significantly reduced our energy consumption.

CO2 emissions associated with Office electricity consumption

In line with the switch to renewable energy for our main offices, including headquarters, we achieved an 80% reduction in CO2 emissions from electricity consumption in FY6/2023 compared to FY6/2021. Going forward, we will continue to contribute as a tenant to the environmental and energy conservation initiatives of the buildings we occupy, taking various actions such as switching to renewable energy for office electricity and using data centers with low environmental impact. We will also aim to gauge the current situation and carry out measures toward achieving carbon neutrality.


We will reduce CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2) to net-zero by FY6/2051. We will also gauge the current status of Scope 3 emissions and explore reduction measures.

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CO2 emissions (t-CO2) FY6/2018 FY6/2019 FY6/2020 FY6/2021 FY6/2022 FY6/2023
Scope 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Scope 2
Office electricity consumption
516 520 435 349 172 86
Scope 3
Emissions from the use of cloud services*2 *1 *1 *1 217 131 61
Emissions from fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 44
Emissions related to employee business travel *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 99
Emissions from related to employee commuting *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 143
  • 1 Figures not provided due to the difficulty of calculation.
  • 2 CO2 emissions for cloud service providers are calculated using the calculation tools they provide.

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FY6/2018 FY6/2019 FY6/2020 FY6/2021 FY6/2022 FY6/2023
CO2 emissions per capita (Scope 2) (t-CO2) 0.52 0.49 0.42 0.32 0.15 0.07
Office electricity consumption (kWh) 121 122 106 84 67 65